Green Energy Aquaponics System

Role: the fish , the vegetable

F: Hi, Everyone! I’m the most beautiful fish in Taiwan.

V: Hello! I’m the healthiest vegetable in Taiwan.

F,V: We are good friends and we help each other to grow up. We grow up well in 中平elementary school by using Green Energy Aquaponics System.

F: What is Green Energy?

V: The most common green energy are solar energy and wind. There are two solar panels on the roof of the security room by using the photoelectric board and collector skills. It could collect the light and heat radiated by the Sun.

F: Wow! That’s amazing!

V: Fish, do you know how the wind generate the power?

F: Sure! I know that. Let me tell you! Do you see the tallest pillar in front of the gate of中平elementary school? There is the wind turbine on the pillar. The wind makes the blades rotating; the blades rotation drives the gear to work and finally drives the turbine to work. That could supply the motor electricity.

F: That really the green energy is.

V: The power generated by the solar energy and the wind could pump the water of the pool to the hydroponic vegetable area. It doesn’t waste the power of the electric company. The power generated by the solar energy and the wind aren’t the polluted.

F: Wow~It would save the electricity and money.

V: Hey! Everyone, please take a look! There are a lot of round stones. Their name is pottery spherical.  It could have gravel purification. The gap of the pottery spherical is bigger and that would help the roots of the vegetables attach and grow easily. Besides, it would adsorb nitrosomonas( 硝化細菌) in the air.

F: Nitrosomonas? What’s that?

V: Nitrosomonas will change the ammonia and nitrogen into nitrate. That is Nitrogen fertilizer the plants need. Nitrogen fertilizer would be absorbed by the roots and furthermore it can purify the pool.

F: However, the plants need time to absorb the nutrients of the pool.

V: Wow! I really know why I’m so heavy and tall.

F: Do you know how to control the water volume?

V: Is it connected to the oval set?(手指著虹吸鐘)

F: Yes! The oval set is Siphon Clock. It’s very important. The flowing water should be more than the water bumped. And then, it could have purification.

Without it, the water will be full in the pool.

V: Wow! Green energy Aquaponics system is so cool.

F:  We should know the green energy generated by the solar energy and the wind isn’t be polluted. It helps fish and vegetables grow up together and keeps ecological balance.

V: Yeah~ See ! The fish in the pool are so big and the vegetables are organic and healthy.

V,F: Yeah. We’re good friends.

(唱歌)The more we get together, Together, together, The more we get together, The happier we'll be. For your friends are my friends, And my friends are your friends. The more we get together, The happier we'll be!

F,V: There are some questions for you.

F: In 中平elementary school , what green energy could you see?

(Ans: the solar energy, the wind)

V: What the name of the oval set in the pool?

(Ans: Siphon Clock)



Wind turbine風力發電機

Solar panels太陽能板


photoelectric board光電板

collector 集熱器

hydroponic 水耕

gravel purification礫間淨化

nitrosomonas 硝化細菌

the Nitrogen circle氮循環



pottery spherical 發泡煉石

Siphon Clock虹吸鐘